Strict Reporting Requirements
Every local government in Florida has an OPEB liability. Even those governmental entities that think they have no liability may be affected. Many state and local government employers provide OPEB to retirees in addition to pension benefits. Historically, these benefits have been administered on a pay-as-you-go basis and have not been reported as a liability on municipal financial statements. In Florida, state statutes require that the employer make health coverage available to retirees at the employer's group rate. This creates an implicit cost that must be accounted for, potentially making this a financial issue for every municipality in Florida.
Recent changes in accounting rules require this liability to be reported on your balance sheet similar to pension liabilities. Employers must account for and report the annual cost of OPEB in the same way they report pensions.
- Statement No. 75 replaces the requirements of Statement No. 45
- Statement No. 75 requires state and local governments to report liability on financials statements
- Statement No. 75 will be reported for cities' 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
The League Advantage - It's as Easy as 1-2-3
Whether you choose to fund your OPEB liability over a number of years, or to fund the entire liability up-front, the League's straightforward approach will provide a simplified method to manage your OPEB liability. In addition, fees for the new OPEB Trust's administration are significantly lower than attempting to secure each service separately on your own.
When you contract with the League, we will:
1. Review your current OPEB policy
2. Prepare a GASB 75 compliant OPEB valuation
3. Develop a plan of action to address your liability.