Florida League of Cities



A powerful hurricane, an uncontrolled wildfire, an unexpected flood, a devastating tornado. These are the kinds of events that every public official dreads.

As leaders in your communities, it is crucial to be prepared to effectively manage and respond to natural disasters.  

With this in mind, the Florida League of Cities is introducing our latest resource, “Best Practices for Natural Disasters: A Guide for Elected Officials.” 

This comprehensive guide is designed specifically for elected officials and provides practical strategies and actionable steps in the event of a natural disaster. Key sections of the guide include: 

  • Preparing for a Natural Disaster: Guidance on how to be prepared long before an emergency appears and in the days leading up if advance warning is known. 

  • Managing During a Storm: Best practices for communication, coordination and immediate response measures as it pertains to your role as an elected official. 

  • Recovering After a Storm: Steps for effective recovery planning, community support and long-term rebuilding efforts as elected officials. 

  • Understanding Your Role: Each Florida municipality is structured in a distinctive way. Become familiar with what your municipal charter and policies define as your role. Especially in an emergency, stay within the boundaries of your role. 

The observations and recommendations were gathered from elected municipal officials, city managers and municipal communicators who generously gave their time and experience as the guide came together. The Florida League of Cities extends our heartfelt thanks to all of them. Download or Print Guide