Florida League of Cities

Engaging young people with the work of local government is key to cultivating the next generation of civic leaders. 


A youth council is a municipal-created group, typically composed of high school students, engaged in their local government and representing youth voices within the city. Some youth councils are created to be advisory boards to advise the local governing body and its affiliated advisory and regulatory boards on youth issues. Youth councils can implement and participate in youth-identified community initiatives. 

Students who serve on youth councils are the leaders of tomorrow. It is important to expose them to municipal government at an early age. We hope your city, town or village will consider forming a youth council if you do not already have one. Contact Eryn Russell for additional information. 

Already have a youth council? Let us know by completing this short survey

Municipal Youth Council Programs

Youth Council Summit

Registration is now open for the 1st Annual Youth Council Summit on Saturday, October 12, 2024 in DeLand. Register Here. 

Please note: This event is being held in lieu of the Youth Council Annual Conference Program.

The 2024 Youth Council Summit theme is Understanding Leadership. Youth attendees will discuss and learn about:

  • Servant Leadership – What does it mean to be a servant leader?
  • Advocacy – How do you advocate as a leader?
  • Leading by Example – How can you work with and encourage others?

Facilitator: Marquitta Caesar is a dedicated individual passionate about making a positive impact in her community. Since 2006, Marquitta has been actively involved with the Orlando After School All Stars program, supporting and encouraging youth in the Orlando communities. Furthermore, she is the proud owner of Youth Program Development Consulting, an organization aiming to empower young people and support their growth and success.

The Youth Council Coordinator program will focus on helping coordinators cultivate their mentoring relationships through a “See…Hear…Welcome” session. All youth desire to be seen, heard, and welcomed but often feel they do not have an effective outlet to fulfill these desires. Coordinators will explore interactive strategies to strengthen their ability to see, hear, and welcome youth as they raise their voices to become tomorrow's leaders.

Facilitator: Bobby Belton Jr. is a youth advocate, public speaker, minister, and current Program Manager for the City of Orlando’s My Brother’s Keeper Male Mentoring program. Bobby brings unique perspectives from his day-to-day experiences to empower individuals to unleash their untapped potential and achieve their goals in life. Bobby sheds light on how the many gifts and talents each person has been given can positively and effectively impact the world around them.

Youth Council Legislative Action Days Program 

The 2025 Youth Council Legislative Action Days Program will be held on March 25-26, 2025 in Tallahassee. 

Community Service Contest
Starting in January, this contest invites youth councils to submit current projects addressing a local need.

2024 Community Service Contest Winners 
City of Alachua Youth Advisory Council
City of Orange City Youth Advisory Council
City of Tampa Mayor Youth Corps and Leadership Council

Video Competition

Starting each August, the Youth Council Video Competition provides a way for Florida’s youth councils to showcase their ideas, creativity, and commitment to their communities.

Council2College Scholarship

This essay contest assists Florida municipal youth council leaders who are pursuing post-high school education. The councils also must be active in the League’s youth council programs.

Important Dates

  • August - November 2024 - Video Competition 
  • October 12, 2024 - Youth Council Summit (DeLand)
  • March 25-26, 2024 - Youth Council Legislative Action Days (Tallahassee)