Florida League of Cities

A week-long annual event when Florida’s cities celebrate, showcase and engage citizens in the work of municipal government.



FCGW LogoFlorida City Government Week, held annually in October, is a time for cities across the state to celebrate, showcase and engage citizens in the work of municipal government. 

Florida City Government Week will be held October 21-27, 2024.

Municipal government is the government closest to the people and generally receives higher approval ratings than other levels of government. Yet, many residents are unaware of how city services impact their lives. 

Civic engagement activities can be held for citizens of all ages. Most are at no or low cost. Cities are encouraged to involve their local schools, businesses, media, and civic clubs in Florida City Government Week activities. Ideas for engagement include:

  • Recognizing Florida City Government Week through a proclamation, an announcement in the local paper or via the city’s social media accounts.
  • Educating residents through videos or flyers, partnering with local schools to visit classrooms, or inviting residents to town hall for a tour or town hall workshop.
  • Connecting with residents through a community service day, hosting a photo or essay contest, or by simply thanking residents, staff, or municipal partners for their role in supporting your city. 

Florida City Government Week 2023 was held October 16-22. Contact Eryn Russell with any questions.

Share Your Story

After your municipality celebrates Florida City Government Week, please use the form below to share your photos and a summary of your activities. The stories submitted will be posted on the League’s Quality Cities website.

The deadline to submit entries is: November 6, 2024.

Share Your Story Here


Civic engagement activities can be held for citizens of all ages. Most are at no or low cost. Access the resources below for ideas, tools and tips to get started with your #FLCityWeek celebration!


The Florida City Government Week logo is available for download below. Click to open and then right click on the image and select "Save image as."