Florida League of Cities

We're committed to bringing members resources and information relating to the American with Disabilities Act and its impact on the production of municipal content available to the public on digital platforms.

The League's General Counsel distributed a memo to city attorneys on August 27, 2019, regarding ADA website case orders from the federal Northern, Middle, and Southern District Courts. Read the Memo 

We have received questions regarding what, specifically, is required to be on a municipal website. The following two resources were prepared and shared with municipal attorneys. 

Webinar: ADA Compliance

FLC hosted a webinar on ADA website compliance on Thursday, October 25, 2018. Our speaker, Christopher Stearns, provided an overview of the law, how it applies to local government, and recommendations for actions cities can take today. Resources referenced during the webinar are available below.

Webinar: Closed Captioning

FLC hosted a  webinar  on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. While this session was more technical in nature (a how-to), some of the speakers addressed ADA compliance, specifically closed captioning.

Important resources discussed include:

FCCMA Webinar

Our partners, the Florida City and County Management Association, hosted a regional seminar on Friday, April 19, with the City of Lakeland on the subject of ADA compliance.

Speakers included Lakeland's Director of Communication Kevin Cook, Webmaster Liz Hollida, and ADA Specialist Jennifer Sykes. The materials can be accessed below. 

Municipal Attorney Resources

Our network of municipal attorneys provided the following resources. Please note: any questions about these resources and your city's policies and procedures should be directed to your city attorney.