Florida League of Cities

Cold Case Murders (Monitor) – Failed

CS/SB 350 (Osgood) and HB 837 (Benjamin) address cold case murders by establishing a process for reviewing and reinvestigating such cases. The bills mandate that law enforcement agencies review cold cases upon receiving a written application from a designated person and outlines the criteria for conducting a full reinvestigation, including the identification of new probative leads or a likely perpetrator. The bills require law enforcement agencies to develop a written application for cold case reviews and mandate training for employees on the procedures and requirements outlined in the bill. 

The bills also require law enforcement agencies to report quarterly all relevant data to the Global Forensic and Justice Center at Florida International University. The bills direct the Center to establish a case tracking system and searchable public website. The bills also allow medical examiners to issue death certificates with nonspecific causes of death and manner of murder under certain conditions. (Wagoner)