Florida League of Cities

Development Permits and Development Orders (Monitor) – Failed

HB 791 (Overdorf) and SB 1150 (Perry) revise timeframes in Sections 125.022 and 166.033, Florida Statutes, for counties and municipalities to process applications for approvals of development permits or development orders and require these governmental entities to issue certain refunds for failure to meet the timeframes. The bills require counties and municipalities to specify in writing the information that must be submitted in an application for zoning approval, rezoning approval, subdivision approval, certification, special exception, or variance.  The bills require counties and municipalities to confirm receipt of an application for development permit or order within five days. The bills require the statutory timeframes to restart if an application makes a substantive change to an application, which is defined as a change of 15 percent or more in the proposed density, intensity or square footage of a parcel.  The bills require counties and municipalities to issue refunds ranging from 10 to 100 percent of the application fee for failure to meet the statutory timeframes for determining whether an application is complete or require additional information and for taking final action on an application.  (O’Hara)