Florida League of Cities

Dredging and Beach Restoration Projects (Monitor) – Failed

HB 163 (Gossett-Seidman) and SB 608 (Rodriguez) direct the Department of Environmental Protection to require, as a condition of a permit issued for the maintenance dredging of deepwater ports and for beach restoration projects, that any adverse impact analysis conducted for the activity be conducted by an independent contractor selected by the local government and in a manner prescribed by the Department. The bill specifies the independent contractor may not be associated with certain projects for one year prior and for one year after commencing the impact analysis. The bill also requires a local government to provide notice of its intent to conduct an analysis to adjacent local governments that may be affected by the activity. The bill’s requirements do not apply to any port dredging currently permitted or maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The bill specifies fines for violations of its requirements. (O’Hara)