Florida League of Cities

First Responder Treatment by a Medical Specialist (Monitor) – Passed 

CS/HB 637 (Yeager) and CS/CS/SB 808 (DiCeglie) authorize a firefighter, a law enforcement officer, a correctional officer or a correctional probation officer requiring medical treatment for tuberculosis, heart disease or hypertension resulting in a total or partial disability to be treated by a medical specialist of their choosing. The treatment by a medical specialist must be reasonable, necessary, and related to tuberculosis, heart disease or hypertension and reimbursed at no more than 200% of the Medicare rate. The bills were amended to require written notice to the firefighter's or officer's workers’ compensation carrier, self-insured employer, or third-party administrator, and the carrier, self-insured employer, or third-party administrator must authorize the selected specialist or authorize an alternative specialist meeting the same or greater qualifications. The carrier, self-insured employer, or third-party administrator must, within five business days of the receipt of the notice, authorize treatment and schedule an appointment to be held within 30 days of the receipt of the notice with the selected specialist or the alternative specialist. If the carrier, self-insured employer, or third-party administrator fails to provide an alternative specialist within the five business days of receipt of the notice, the specialist selected by the employee shall be automatically authorized. CS/CS/SB 808 has passed the House (112-0) and the Senate (38-0) and is awaiting action by the Governor. (Cruz)