Florida League of Cities

Impeding, Provoking or Harassing First Responders (Support) – Passed 

CS/HB 75 (Rizo) and SB 184 (Avila) would make it unlawful for any person, after receiving a warning from a first responder not to approach, to violate such warning and approach or remain within 20 feet of a first responder who is engaged in the lawful performance of any legal or emergent duty, with the intent to: 1. Interrupt, disrupt, hinder, impede or interfere with the first responder’s ability to perform such duty; 2. Provoke a physical response from the first responder; or 3. Directly or indirectly harass the first responder or make so much noise that a first responder is prevented from performing their official duties or providing medical aid. SB 184 specifies that peaceful recording or observation is not harassment. SB 184 passed the House (85-27) and the Senate (39-1) and is awaiting action by the Governor. (Wagoner)