Florida League of Cities

Education (Oppose) – Passed 

CS/CS/CS/SB 996 (Burgess) and CS/CS/HB 1285 (Canady) make several changes to Florida’s K-12 public schools and postsecondary institutions. Of concern to cities, the bills were amended to enable private schools to establish new campuses in existing facilities like churches or theaters, bypassing local zoning regulations and traffic management requirements. The bills seek to prevent cities and counties from holding public meetings to approve rezoning these facilities for educational use and from requiring private schools to mitigate traffic impacts. As a consequence, residents near these new schools would lack the opportunity to voice concerns or influence the location of new private schools. CS/CS/HB 1285 passed the House (84-35) and the Senate (84-29) and is awaiting action by the Governor. (Branch)